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Naturally, chiropractors need empathy.

Sharing the pain, suffering, and distress of patients motivates us to treat them and to continue our daily devotion (study) as a matter of course.

However, we must be careful not to be too empathetic, for if we are too empathetic, we will be taken in by the other person’s emotions.

There is a danger of becoming one with the other person’s feelings and feeling as if they are happening to you as well.

When this happens, you will suffer, or worse, suffer physically and mentally, every time you deal with a patient, especially one with severe symptoms and emotional problems.

A chiropractor who feels back pain himself whenever a patient with back pain comes to him is probably too empathetic.

This is where the power of objectivity is important. This power is cultivated by always being objective about the other person’s (patient’s) feelings and one’s own feelings.

If we are able to be objective, we can quickly realize that we are in tune with the other person’s emotions. And if we are able to recognize it, we can correct it.


There are two types of empathy. They are emotional empathy and cognitive empathy (cf.)

Emotional empathy is the empathy of a person who is too empathetic. In other words, it is easy to get caught up in the other person’s emotions.

And vice versa. If you cannot empathize with the other person, you cannot understand their feelings at all. In other words, they cannot approve of the other person’s feelings.

On the other hand, a person who is capable of cognitive empathy is able to recognize the other person’s feelings. This is what chiropractors need to do.

This is the empathy that chiropractors need. Because cognitive empathy is empathy with objectivity.



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